Consulting Services
A wide range of software integrations, systems, platforms & programming languages.
Monolithic architectures/systems are a thing of the past when considering robust,
performant & scalable solutions.
Current modern platforms are continuously envisioned and designed as systems of systems.
These software entities communicate securely through the network, interfacing via API endpoints
Agile Project Managment
Have a group of talented developers, but still unsure of the best alternative to boost
their productivity?!
Looking to impress stakeholders & meet the long-promised deadlines?!
No worries! - we help you plan backlog, manage and technically organize
everything towards to being fully AGILE
Cloud Technologies
Investigate cutting-edge alternatives of how cloud solutions like: IaaS, PaaS or SaaS can elevate your business or product. Latest disruptive trends of FaaS brought by the cloud behemoths otherwise known as serverless archiectures, which foremost ensure low-costs solutions, also in terms of the "pay-what-you-use" scheme
Testing / DevOps / Automation
Currently happy due the fact that product/platform has recently started growing.
The more is built & added on top of the existing system,
the more uncertainity of unexpected situations & unhandled exceptions occuring the production environment.
Improve the Verification & Validation aspects of your system / software and avoid
rolling out unstable/untested features
Mobile App
In need of a mobile application to satisfy clients on different smart-phones,
specifically tailored around your brand?!
We efficiently make us of cross-platformic technologies (React Native) to build native mobile apps,
targeting both iOS & Android phones.
Your users are just a click away from Apple's App Store or Google's Play Store
Web Development
We design and create content-ful websites for your product or business.
Alternatively, we can step up your game and start building a web-application using
bullet-proof architectural styles, various frameworks and programming languages of your preference.
Modern web-applications built through the use of "state-of-the-art"
back-end & front-end technologies
Happy Clients
Coffees Consumed
Finished Projects
House-grown products
Choosing the right Database
Various application types have different needs of how & where the data
should be persisted. This is not important only for design / conceptual level, but
also to the entire analysis process which is primarily shaped by system's
data access patterns.
Most companies neglect this, to later find out that their decisions have cost them a fortune.
We offer a full feasbility study of various selection of production-ready proven database technologies,
based on what has been geathered during the Requirements Engineering phase.
Get to know what you really need
Best Practices Practitioners
Our engineers & architects actually stand-out in the industry, as being certified in
Software Engineering. They follow its principles in their day-to-day basis,
employing well-established practices like design patterns, architectural-styles
to accelerate the development of software.
This allows us to keep the house-grown software processes refined and familiarize the
developers with the full-potential modern tools offer with virtualization, orchestration,
deployments, testing, automation, continous integration/delivery etc.
Performance & Optimization
It's easy to oversee and dedicate insufficient resources towards the qualitative / quantitave measures
for properties which the system is assumed to provide.
We help you confine these expectations into non-funcional requirements and strengthen
your actual processes with strategies revolving around on how to achieve Quality Assurance.
Besides the regular test suites, test cases and well-defined acceptence criterias on paper,
we help you introduce
load testing, security/penetration testing & smoke testing