an IT Solutions &

Software Consultancy Firm


Mobile App Development

Modern IT solutions/platforms are architecturally envisioned to be separated into several layers, such that the access to data is provided through API's. In other words, back-end exposes several endpoints (usually protected with authorization/authentication means) so that mutliple clients/apps can query these resources accordingly. The website exposed in a partiuclar domain, the mobile application in Android or iOS are nothing more... rather than merely views/windows towards these high-availability back-end services, which are open for communication.

Our native mobile application building process fundamentally relies in React & React Native to develop mobile applications which can be deployed/released to both Google's Play Store & Apple's App Store from a single codebase.

How React Native helps companies reduce costs & accelerate development?!

Seamless cross-platformic development using JavaScript & React to built native apps, elevating code re-usability to the level of sharing most of the codebase with the web application (if client needs one).