an IT Solutions &

Software Consultancy Firm



Besides Faas which was already introduced in the Services / Cloud, there is serverless which are often conflated with one another. However, the truth is that FaaS is actually a subset of serverless. Serverless is focused on any service category, be it compute, storage, database, messaging, api gateways, etc. where configuration, management, and billing of servers are invisible to the end user. FaaS, on the other hand, while perhaps the most central technology in serverless architectures, is focused on the event-driven computing paradigm wherein application code, or containers, only run in response to events or requests.

Explore with us whether Firebase is something for you?!

Something specific about these (cloud) databases is that they enable “realtime” updates to data as it changes in the database. The capture data change is built-in the client SDK and can be seamlessly utilized to set up a “listeners” at the data section/segment the client is interested, and client is informed retroactively every time a change is observed. This lets the app’s display stay fresh and up-to-date, without having to poll the data of interest.

Besides extensively having experiencing on building applications with Firebase we are proficient with Amazon Cloud resources, putting their cloud resources together to enable serverless solution/platforms through utilizing AWS Lambda's

Firebase is Google’s cloud computing alternative offered on a pay-what-you-use model, enabling companies realize their entire solution in the cloud, utilising dozens of the features which this product offers.
  • Authentication — user login & identity proivder connectors
  • Authorization — stateless authorization, scoped access
  • Realtime Database — realtime, cloud hosted, NoSQL database
  • Cloud Firestore — realtime, cloud hosted, NoSQL database
  • Cloud Storage — massively scalable object file bucket
  • Cloud Functions — “serverless”, event-driven backend
  • Firebase Hosting — CDN enabled web hosting
  • ML Kit — SDK for common Machine Learning tasks